This document is the API reference for for JSON-GLib 1.4.4.

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I. JSON-GLib Overview
II. JSON-GLib Reference
Data Types
JSON Node — Node in a JSON object model
JSON Array — a JSON array representation
JSON Object — a JSON object representation
III. Reading and writing
JsonParser — Parse JSON data streams
JsonReader — A cursor-based parser
JsonPath — JSONPath implementation
JsonGenerator — Generates JSON data streams
JsonBuilder — Generates JSON trees
General Purpose API
Utility API — Various utility functions
IV. JSON-GLib Advanced API
GObject Serialization — Serialize and deserialize GObjects
Serializable Interface — Interface for serialize and deserialize special GObjects
Boxed Types Serialization — Serialize and deserialize GBoxed types
JSON GVariant Integration — Serialize and deserialize GVariant types
Versioning information — JSON-GLib version checking
V. JSON-GLib Additional Reference
JSON-GLib Tools
json-glib-format — JSON-GLib formatting tool
json-glib-validate — JSON-GLib validation tool
Object Hierarchy
Annotation Glossary
A. License